Star Trek’s Zoe Saldano needs better Hashimoto’s info

Star Trek’s Zoe Saldano recently revealed she has Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, a thyroid disease affecting millions of women that causes weight gain, fatigue, depression, cold hands and feet, brain fog, constipation, and many other symptoms. Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune thyroid disease. Autoimmunity is a condition in which the immune system attacks and destroys body tissue, in…

Still have hypothyroidism despite normal lab results?

Your doctor says your hypothyroid condition has been treated, but do you still suffer from symptoms of low thyroid function? Fatigue Weight gain Hair loss Constipation Depression Memory loss Cold hands and feet If so, you may suffer from Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease that attacks and destroys the thyroid bland. Hypothyroidism is usually caused by…

Why pregnancy can trigger Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism and other autoimmune diseases

Some women find they end their pregnancy with not only a new baby but a new hypothyroid condition as well. That’s because normal immune shifts during pregnancy can trigger an autoimmune disease such as Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism, depending on genetics and other predisposing factors. The immune system can be looked as having two primary roles, one that reacts…